Look at the determination and fire in this little guy's eyes... the Rufous hummingbird is like a little Muhammad Ali. Not nearly a heavy-weight (Rufous hummers weigh only about 2-3 grams for males, 4-5 grams for females) these tiny tykes can rope-a-dope any other hummer.
Rufous hummingbirds are notoriously nectar-hogs, chasing off much larger hummingbirds from feeders and defending their territory with absolute confidence. You gotta love 'em. They got gumption!
Rufous hummingbirds may just be my favorite species, they have spirit to spare and are a marvel to watch in action! Their name comes from their coloring, rufous means reddish. Most of them have rusty red on their backs and a bright red-yellow iridescent gorget (throat), although there are Rufous that are green-backed too. In sunlight they look like streaks of copper as they fly by - they are gorgeous!
The Rufous migrates from Mexico all the way into Alaska, usually along mountain ranges like the Sierra Madres and Rocky Mountains. By body size, the Rufous has the longest migration of any bird in the world - out traveling larger birds almost 150% more! Since hummingbirds are such small creatures they will break their migration into segments to refill on much needed nectar and insects to make the great distances. This is great for us Rufous fans because it offers the chance to see these out-fighters duke it out at our feeders!
Because the Rufous likes plants usually found at higher mountain elevations and cooler temps the most densely populated area of their northern migration is in the Pacific Northwest. Folks in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver are most familiar with the red-feathered Rufous hummers. Their trip to the Last Frontier often means Rufous will be observed for four to eight weeks this time of year.